Dec 302018
Roasted Tri-Colored Baby Carrots

Whether for your family or for company, this is a terrific choice for a simple and very tasty vegetable. I love the way these carrots look, they couldn’t be easier to prepare. Therefore, I predict that they will quickly become a definite go to, no-fail, staple in your rotation.

1 lb. bag of tricolor carrots, Trader Joe’s is a good source
olive oil
1 Tbs. real maple syrup
fresh thyme sprigs
kosher salt
fresh ground pepper

Preheat oven to 400º
First, peel and trim the carrots. However, if you are lucky enough to find the ones with the green ends on, don’t cut them off. Those ends add some nice visual interest and texture to the dish. Then, place the carrots on a sheet pan, drizzle with the olive oil and the maple syrup. Add the salt, pepper, fresh thyme sprigs and toss all together to fully coat the carrots.

Spread the carrots out to ensure that they have room to roast properly, rather than just steam.

roasted carrots

Then, bake for about 30 minutes or until mostly tender and slightly browned. This may be done ahead of serving time. Finally, when ready to finish and serve, transfer the carrots to an oven proof serving dish. Then,  return them to the oven for an additional 8- 12 minutes, until fully tender and hot. Lastly, remove them from the oven, sprinkle with some flaky salt and serve.


Does it look good enough to try, did you like it? Please let me know.

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